Kamis, 18 September 2008

Program Terbaru


Dalam pertemuan sekaligus buka bersama di cafe Boga, Semarang, didapat program terbaru sebagai berikut :
1) National Save
adalah kegiatan berkeliling daerah-daerah rawan kerusakan. Dan akan dilakukan intervensi terhadap masalah
2) Penghijauan Masal
adalah dengan memasukkan program wajib pada tiap mahasisiwa/ murid baru di tiap instansi, untuk menanam-merawat pohon. Tiap-tiap pohon menjadi tanggungan 5 orang. Dan untuk hasil terbaik, akan mendapat reward.
3) Environtmentment in Writing Competition
adalah kompetisi penulisan artikel tentang lingkungan. Dengan reward dari orang yang notabene menjadi idola.

Semoga hal ini dapat segera terealisasi, amiiin...
Join with us (08562997852 ; 085290120568)

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Mengendalikan Nafsu Makan

Tip Mengendalikan Nafsu Makan

Foto: Corbis
NAFSU makan merupakan tantangan bagi Anda yang ingin menurunkan berat badan. Tapi bukan berarti bahwa Anda tidak mungkin menahannya, khususnya setelah para ilmuwan dan ahli terapi meneliti secara khusus kekuatan dari nafsu makan dan bagaimana menguranginya. Sebenarnya hal ini tidaklah sulit untuk dilakukan, selama Anda memiliki pengetahuan yang tepat dan motivasi yang cukup untuk menjalankannya. Berikut beberapa tip untuk memonitor dan mengurangi nafsu makan Anda.

Makanlah lebih sering

Salah satu penyebab nafsu makan yang tidak terkendali adalah seringnya skip makan alias tidak makan pada saat makan tiba. Hal ini mengakibatkan sensor selera pada lidah dan sinyal lapar dari otak menjadi lebih hebat. Dengan makan lebih sering, sensor ini lebih terkendali sehingga lebih kecil kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan nafsu makan yang menggebu-gebu.

Makan lebih banyak sayuran

Sayuran adalah makanan yang kaya akan serat. Serat yang masuk ke dalam lambung akan mengembang. Serat juga lebih sulit terurai dalam tubuh sehingga menjadikan pengosongan lambung lebih lambat. Hasilnya adalah rasa kenyang yang lebih bertahan lama. Sehingga bila saatnya makan, tubuh masih tidak terasa terlalu lapar untuk membangunkan sinyal lapar dari otak.

Makan lebih banyak protein

Selain mengkonsumsi sayuran, Anda juga harus mengimbanginya dengan mengkonsumsi protein. Karena kebanyakan orang lebih mudah kekurangan protein daripada kekurangan karbohidrat maupun lemak. Padahal protein adalah nutrisi yang sangat ampuh untuk mengendalikan nafsu makan. Selain dipecah menjadi asam amino yang berperan dalam ratusan fungsi dalam tubuh (termasuk pembentukan hormon dan pengiriman sinyal kenyang ke otak), protein yang banyak ditemukan dalam daging, ayam, ikan, telur, susu, tempe, dan tahu ini juga sangat baik untuk menjaga metabolisme tubuh agar tetap aktif dan sehat.

Pergi ke toko lilin

Jika suatu saat tiba-tiba Anda memiliki hasrat untuk ngemil, cobalah menyalakan lilin beraroma. Peneliltian menunjukkan bahwa aroma dari lilin tersebut dapat menekan nafsu makan. Aroma yang berguna dengan baik untuk menekan nafsu makan yaitu apel, peppermint, dan pisang.

Tekan nafsu makan

Anda tidak akan menemukan saran ini diperpustakaan obat-obatan tradisional. Ketika tidak berdaya melawan nafsu makan Anda, coba cubit area kecil dari tulang rawan, tempat di mana rahang Anda menempel tepat di bawah telinga. Beberapa ahli akupunktur mengatakan bahwa ini adalah titik pengendalian nafsu makan. Lakukan selama setengah menit.

Makan makanan yang cepat mengenyangkan

Untuk makan lebih sedikit pada waktu makan dan ngemil, pilihlah makanan yang memiliki tingkat kekenyangan tinggi. Artinya, makanan itu lebih mengenyangkan dibandingkan dengan makanan lain. Anehnya, meskipun makanan berlemak itu enak dan membuat Anda kenyang, ternyata makanan itu tidak memiliki nilai tinggi dalam skala mengenyangkan karena Anda cenderung makan lagi. Beberapa makanan yang mengenyangkan yaitu selai kacang, kentang, pasta cokelat, kacang hijau matang, anggur, dan jeruk.



mau tau water treatment..,,???
liat aja di link-link berikut ini..,,






Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

The impact of global warming in Asia

Click on the numbered icons below for more information.
Global Warming Hotspots Map

The Asian region spans polar, temperate, and tropical climates and is home to over 3 billion people. As the climate warms, many mountain glaciers may disappear, permafrost will thaw, and the northern forests are likely to shift further north. Rapid population growth and development in countries like China and India will put additional pressures on natural ecosystems and will lead to a rapid rise in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere unless steps are taken to curtail emissions.


1. Llasa, Tibet -- Warmest June on record, 1998. Temperatures hovered above 77�F for 23 days.

59. Garhwal Himalayas, India -- Glacial retreat at record pace. The Dokriani Barnak Glacier retreated 66 ft (20.1 m) in 1998 despite a severe winter. The Gangorti Glacier is retreating 98 ft (30 m) per year. At this rate scientists predict the loss of all central and eastern Himalayan glaciers by 2035.

62. Tien Shan Mountains, China -- Glacial ice reduced by one quarter in the past 40 years.

90. Southern India - Heat wave, May 2002. In the state of Andhra Pradesh temperatures rose to 120�F, resulting in the highest one-week death toll on record. This heat wave came in the context of a long-term warming trend in Asia in general. India, including southern India, has experienced a warming trend at a rate of 1�F (0.6�C) per century.

91. Nepal - High rate of temperature rise. Since the mid-1970s the average air temperature measured at 49 stations has risen by 1.8�F (1�C), with high elevation sites warming the most. This is twice as fast as the 1�F (0.6�C) average warming for the mid-latitudinal Northern Hemisphere (24 to 40�N) over the same time period, and illustrates the high sensitivity of mountain regions to climate change.

93. Taiwan - Average temperature increase. The average temperature for the island has risen 1.8-2.5�F (1-1.4�C) in the last 100 years. The average temperature for 2000 was the warmest on record.

94. Afghanistan - 2001 - Warmest winter on record. Arid Central Asia, which includes Afghanistan, experienced a warming of 0.8-3.6�F (1-2�C) during the 20th century.

95. Tibet - Warmest decade in 1,000 years. Ice core records from the Dasuopu Glacier indicate that the last decade and last 50 years have been the warmest in 1,000 years. Meteorological records for the Tibetan Plateau show that annual temperatures increased 0.4�F (0.16�C) per decade and winter temperatures increased 0.6�F (0.32�C) per decade from 1955 to 1996.

96. Mongolia - Warmest century of the past millennium. A 1,738-year tree-ring record from remote alpine forests in the Tarvagatay Mountains indicates that 20th century temperatures in this region are the warmest of the last millennium. Tree growth during 1980-1999 was the highest of any 20-year period on record, and 8 of the 10 highest growth years occurred since 1950. The 20th century warming has been observed in tree-ring reconstructions of temperature from widespread regions of Eurasia, including sites in the Polar Urals, Yakutia, and the Taymir Peninsula, Russia. The average annual temperature in Mongolia has increased by about 1.3�F (0.7�C) over the past 50 years.

119. Chokoria Sundarbans, Bangladesh - Flooded mangroves. Rising ocean levels have flooded about 18,500 acres (7,500 hectares) of mangrove forest during the past three decades. Global sea-level rise is aggravated by substantial deltaic subsidence in the area with rates as high as 5.5 mm/year.

120. China - Rising waters and temperature. The average rate of sea-level rise was 0.09 +/- 0.04 inches (2.3 +/- 0.9 mm) per year over the last 30 years. Global sea-level rise was aggravated locally by subsidence of up to 2 inches (5 cm) per year for some regions due to earthquakes and groundwater withdrawal. Also, ocean temperatures off the China coast have risen in the last 100 years, especially since the 1960s.

126. Bhutan - Melting glaciers swelling lakes. As Himalayan glaciers melt glacial lakes are swelling and in danger of catastrophic flooding. Average glacial retreat in Bhutan is 100-130 feet (30-40 m) per year. Temperatures in the high Himalayas have risen 1.8�F (1�C) since the mid 1970s.

127. India - Himalayan glaciers retreating. Glaciers in the Himalayas are retreating at an average rate of 50 feet (15 m) per year, consistent with the rapid warming recorded at Himalayan climate stations since the 1970s. Winter stream flow for the Baspa glacier basin has increased 75% since 1966 and local winter temperatures have warmed, suggesting increased glacier melting in winter.

130. Mt. Everest - Retreating glacier.The Khumbu Glacier, popular climbing route to the summit of Mt. Everest, has retreated over 3 miles (5 km) since 1953. The Himalayan region overall has warmed by about 1.8�F (1�C) since the 1970s.

131. Kyrgyzstan - Disappearing glaciers. During 1959-1988, 1,081 glaciers in the Pamir-Altai disappeared. Temperatures in the mountains of Kyrgyztan have increased by 0.9-2.7� F (0.5-1.5�C) since the 1950s.

142. Siberia - Melting permafrost. Large expanses of tundra permafrost are melting. In some regions the rate of thawing of the upper ground is nearly 8 inches (20 cm) per year. Thawing permafrost has already damaged 300 buildings in the cities of Norilsk and Yakutsk. In Yakutsk, the average temperature of the permanently frozen ground has warmed by 2.7 �F (1.5�C) during the past 30 years.


18. Indonesia -- Malaria spreads to high elevations. Malaria was detected for the first time as high as 6,900 feet (2103 m) in the highlands of Irian Jaya in 1997.

50. Philippines -- Coral reef bleaching.

51. Indian Ocean -- Coral reef bleaching (inclues Seychelles; Kenya; Reunion; Mauritius; Somalia; Madagascar; Maldives; Indonesia; Sri Lanka; Gulf of Thailand [Siam]; Andaman Islands; Malaysia; Oman; India; and Cambodia).

52. Persian Gulf -- Coral reef bleaching.

77. Korea -- Heavy rains and flooding. Severe flooding struck during July and August, 1998, with daily rainfall totals exceeding 10 inches (25.4 cm).

87. Indonesia -- Burning rainforest, 1998. Fires burned up to 2 million acres (809,371 hectares) of land, including almost 250,000 acres (101,172 hectares) of primary forest and parts of the already severely reduced habitat of the Kalimantan orangutan.

88. Khabarovsk, Russia -- Wildfires threaten tiger habitat, 1998. Drought and high winds fueled fires that destroyed 3.7 million acres (1,497,337 hectares) of taiga and threatened two important nature reserves that are habitat for the only remaining Amur tigers.

103. Bangladesh - Link between stronger El Ni�o events and cholera prevalence. Researchers found a robust relationship between progressively stronger El Ni�o events and cholera prevalence, spanning a 70-year period from 1893-1940 and 1980-2001. There has been a marked intensification of the El Ni�o/Southern Oscillation phenomenon since the 1980s, which is not fully explained by the known shifts in the Pacific basin temperature regime that began in the mid-1970s. Findings by Rodo et al. are consistent with model projections of El Ni�o intensification under global warming conditions. The authors make a strong case for the climate-health link by providing evidence for biological sensitivity to climate, meteorological evidence of climate change, and evidence of epidemiological change with global warming. The study likely represents the first piece of evidence that warming trends over the last century are affecting human disease.

105. Lake Baikal, Russia - Shorter freezing period. Winter freezing is about 11 days later and spring ice breakup is about 5 days earlier compared to a century ago. Some regions of Siberia have warmed by as much as 2.5�F (1.4�C) in just 25 years.

147. Iran - Desiccated wetlands, 2001 Ninety percent of wetlands have dried up after 2 years of extreme drought. Much of South West Asia has experienced a prolonged three-year drought that is unusual in its magnitude. Out of 102 years of record, 1999, 2000, and 2001 rank as the fifth, third, and seventh driest on record. 1999-2000 was the driest winter on record.

148. Pakistan - Longest drought on record, 1999-2001. The prolonged three-year drought, which covers much of South West Asia, has affected 2.2 million people and 16 million livestock in Pakistan.

149. Tajikistan - Lowest rainfall in 75 years, 2001. 2001 marked the third consecutive year of drought, which has destroyed half the wheat crop.

150. Korea - Worst drought in 100 years of record, 2001. It coincided with an average annual temperature increase in Asia�s temperate region, which includes Korea, by more than 1.8�F (1�C) over the past century. The warming has been most pronounced since 1970.

155. China - Disappearing Lakes, 2001. More than half of the 4,000 lakes in the Qinghai province are disappearing due to drought. The severity of the impact is exacerbated by overpumping of aquifers. Annual average temperature in China has increased during the past century, with pronounced warming since 1980. Most of the warming has been in northern areas, including Qinghai Province, and in the winter.

source :


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Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

Air Kelapa

Air Kelapa

Air kelapa, terutama kelapa muda, memang menyegarkan, juga memiliki banyak manfaat. Dengan sedikit usaha, air kelapa muda bisa Anda gunakan untuk mengobati jerawat dan lainnya.

Menghilangkan jerawat

Tuang segelas air kelapa dalam wadah berisi parutan 3 ruas kunyit. Biarkan semalam dalam lemari es. Setelah itu, bubuhkan tiga sendok teh bubuk cendana ke dalamnya. Simpan lagi selama tiga hari, kemudian saring ramuan dengan kain kasa. Oleskan sari larutan tersebut pada wajah yang berjerawat dua kali sehari sampai jerawat lenyap.

Mencegah kerutan wajah

Wajah Anda berkerut? Basuhlah wajah dengan air kelapa, sesering Anda suka. Wajah Anda pun akan kembali kencang.

Mencegah ubanan

Seringkali merasa was-was karena melihat beberapa helai rambut yang mulai memutih? Larutkan satu sendok teh garam dapur dalam air kelapa hijau segar. Gunakan setelah keramas. Setelah itu, biarkan selama beberapa menit di kepala sambil dipijat-pijat. Bilas dengan air bersih.

Meningkatkan gairah seksual

Kurang bergairah? Campurkan air kelapa muda dengan sedikit madu alam, lalu minum. Ramuan ini berkhasiat merangsang pusat-pusat seksual tubuh.

Suara merdu

Agar suara Anda lebih merdu, minum segelas air kelapa muda yang telah diembunkan selama semalam. Lakukan selama seminggu.


sumber : http://www.suaramerdeka.com/